Saturday, November 21, 2009

Picasa Web Albums - simssarahl - Baby pictures

More baby pics are here finally. Click on the following link to view them.

Picasa Web Albums - simssarahl - Baby pictures

Monday, November 16, 2009

We are now proud parents of two healthy babies

Today at 9:13am Robert Drew Sims IV was born. He is 6.4 Lbs 19 inches long.
At 9:15am Annaliese Hope Sims is 6.9 Lbs 19.5 inches long.

Both healthy and in the room with us. Attached are some pictures for today's events.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Plan B

To quote my sister " Swine flue can suck it!" The hospital I'm delivering at has a new visitation policy because of the Swine flu. 2 people can only visit the ENTIRE time I'm at the hospital. So, no grandparent photos holding the babies until I get home. Yesterday and today was spent calling, emailing and talking to anyone and everyone at Huron Valley and the DMC. With no luck, they won't budge. We are on the plan B. My wonderful mother-in-law gave the second spot to my mom to be there with Bob and I. We will be taking tons of photos and video for the grandparents. We will be posting photos as soon as possible on Monday. Since my c-section is at 8:30 in the morning, I'm hoping to get photos and updates by dinner time.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming:)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Last Ultrasound

I had my last ultrasound today. The twins are growing so well. Better than I had hoped. Annaliese is 6lb 1oz and Robert weighs 5lb 11oz. Anna has moved so she is now taking up most of the room in there. She is sitting on her brother. Everyone is on my right side and no one is on my left. I have a few more NST's (nonstress tests) and two more doc appointments left until the big day.

Friday, October 30, 2009

H1N1 Shot

Well, yesterday I got my Swine Flu shot. Went with a friend, Tracy. We came upon the school where they were holding the clinic and it was a zoo. We got there an hour early thinking that would shorten our wait. Silly us. After we waited an hour outside the line moved pretty quick. It is ridiculous that kids, pregnant women and sick people have to wait outside for hours to get this stupid shot. After leaving the clinic and walking to the car we soon realized that the line that we had waited in had tripled in size. Glad I got it done and over with. I feel that maybe the babies will get some of the vaccine and will be protected a bit.

I just had my second non-stress test at the hospital today. They just monitor the heartbeats for 30 minutes to make sure things are going well. The babies look good and made the nurses work. The babies were hiding and maked it difficult to get good readings. Poor Jennifer, one of the nurses, had to sit and hold the monitor to my belly for most of the time. The nurses at Huron Valley are the best. They let me pick the nurse I want for my c-section.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

November 16th!

Well, we are going to try out this site.

We have our date and counting down the days until we have our babies. I have so many doctors appointments I can hardly keep them strait. Trying to enjoy these last days of peace and quiet.